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TermNet - International network for terminology

International Terminology Summer School 2014

It's over, sadly!

Thank you, participants, sponsors and supporters, for another fabulous TSS!


Vienna, Austria        14-18 July 2014        Venue: nineteen business centre 




The International Terminology Summer School (TSS) is a one-week, practice-oriented training course about the methods and principles of terminology management. It qualifies participants to obtain the ECQA Certificate for Terminology Managers.




Who should participate?

TSS is for practitioners, students and researchers who are looking for a practice-oriented, comprehensive, state-of-the-art introduction to terminology management theory and practice. No specific background or knowledge level is required to participate. However, the course is most beneficial to those who have been working with or on terminology already. If you are not sure if the course is suited for you, you may have a look at the curriculum or ask the organizing team!






In collaboration with


(ECQA Certified Exam Body)


Supported by










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